It was established Unionist policy to deprive Derry and the North West of economic development since it might possibly provide employment for people opposed to their rule and population growth would imperil the gerrymander operating with impunity in Derry. Unfortunately, and the denial of expansion of Magee University is a notable case, there are still clear signs that the old, Unionist protocols are intact and embedded in the thinking of those with power.
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The gerrymander of Derry City by the Unionists , with the support of the Stormont Government, was the prototype for sectarian control of the State; despite being 70% Catholic and Nationalist, through blatant manipulation of ward boundaries, the City remained under Unionist control
Read more →Watching a Party Political broadcast by the Leave Campaign this week , I was reminded of Tom Lehrer’s quip that political satire became obsolete when Kissinger was awarded the Peace Prize. This was nauseating hypocrisy at its most jaundiced; those propagating that view are the current custodians
Read more →Sovereignty is the Brexit buzzword. My dictionary suggests some synonyms for it – supremacy, hegemony, ascendancy and domination among others. The front men in their campaign, Johnson, Gove, Villiers and Farage would be quick to assert that they are merely seeking a self-governing state with powers to
Read more →Andrew Rawnsley, the respected Observer columnist , suggested a couple of weeks ago that Nigel Dodds could well decide who the next UK Prime Minister will be. Nigel who, you may well ask – are there two of them. Dodds is second in command in the DUP
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